16 L. Noordegraaf-Eelens, P. Frissen & M. van der Steen, 2010, p. 20. 17 P. Rosanvallon, Counter-democracy: politics in an age of distrust, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 18 Wetenschappelijke Raad voor Regeringsbeleid, Vertrouwen in burgers / Confidence in Citizens, WRR Report 88, 2012. 19 E. Röell, ‘Het vertrouwen van ambtenaren in burgers’, a study undertaken in partnership with the National Ombudsman, 2012, available via www. nationaleombudsman.nl. 20 The qualities concerned were incorporated into propositions like ‘In general, citizens are well-informed about the responsibilities of public bodies’, which respondents were asked to score for correctness on a scale of 1 to 7. The average score was less than 4. 21 22 Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg vleugellam, broadcast by Dutch radio investigative programme Argos, 2 July 2011. IGZ onder vuur, Dutch radio investigative radio programme Argos, 17 December 2011. 23 Zzp’ers met een valse start, report 2010/025; Wat vindt u ervan?, the 2010 annual report of the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands, pp. 57–58. 24 The figures provided by the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment in the letter of 12 December 2011 are not sufficiently precise to permit any exact calculation of this percentage. 25 The National Ombudsman encounters these expectations in his work. This has prompted him to issue new guidelines for proper conduct based on the four key properties of being open and transparent, respectful, fair and reliable, and sympathetic and solutions-oriented. 26 See A.F.M. Brenninkmeijer, ‘De kwaliteit van de ambtelijke dienstverlening’, in: De staat van de ambtelijk dienst, Centrum Arbeidsverhoudingen Overheidspersoneel, 2011. Notes | 23 Pagina 22
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