NOTES 2 H. Prast, R. Mosch & W.F. van Raaij, Vertrouwen, cement van de samenleving en aanjager van de economie, De Nederlandsche Bank 2005. 3 4 Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau, De Sociale staat van Nederland 2011, 2011, p. 55. An English-language summary is available from the SCP. archief/2012/2012–3551-wm.htm?RefererType=RSSItem, opened on 1 February 2012. 5 Geert Hofstede analyses this in terms of what he calls ‘machtafstand’ (‘power distance’) and sees the Netherlands as a country with a low ‘power distance’: G. Hofstede, Allemaal andersdenkenden: omgaan met cultuurverschillen, Contact 2005. 6 7 8 9 Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau, De sociale staat van Nederland 2011, 2011; Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, Legitimiteitsmonitor Democratisch Bestuur, 2011. American social scientist Francis Fukuyama speaks of high-trust societies and lowtrust societies (Trust. The social virtues and the creation of prosperity, 1995). Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau, Continu onderzoek burgerperspectieven, 2011/3. P. Kanne & H. Bijlstra, Onderzoek naar de kwaliteit van de overheidsdienstverlening, 2-meting, TNS NIPO, Amsterdam 2010. 10 Wat vindt u ervan?, the 2010 annual report of the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands. An English-language summary is available under the title What is your view? 11 ‘Regel is regel’ is niet genoeg, the 2006 annual report of the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands. An English-language summary is available under the title ‘A rule is a rule’ is not good enough. 12 For further information about the ‘ombudsquadrant’ see the 2006 article ‘Fair governance: a question of lawfulness and proper conduct (Van Slingelandtlezing)’ on the National Ombudsman’s website at 13 L. Noordegraaf-Eelens, P. Frissen & M. van der Steen provide a clear discussion of Luhmann’s distinction in ‘De crisis van het vertrouwen en het vertrouwen na de crisis’, an essay written in 2010 for the Netherlands Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. 14 L. Noordegraaf-Eelens, P. Frissen & M. van der Steen, 2010, p. 14. 15 This idea is derived from the theory of procedural justice advanced in K. van den Bos, R. Vermunt & H.A.M. Wilke, ‘Procedural and distributive justice: what is fair depends more on what comes first than on what comes next’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1997, vol. 72, pp. 95–104. Notes | 22 Pagina 21
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