5.2 Greater emphasis on personal trust As we have seen, proper treatment of individual citizens can help to build trust in government. However, the stress on systems leads to less attention being paid to the human aspect of government-citizen relationships, despite the importance of this to the citizen. How can government create trust? The views of the National Ombudsman on how to win and foster trust are based on the method he employs in his own work. This relies on the creation of a constructive interface between government and citizen. This interface has three components: 1. personal contact. Much can be done in writing or digitally, but when things get really tough a telephone call or direct personal contact is vital; 2. taking citizens seriously and treating them with respect. This is the essence of proper treatment as detailed in the standards of proper conduct. Much of the friction between government and citizen springs from disregard and lack of individual consideration; 3. reaching decisions with citizens, not about them. This can be achieved through forms of public participation in the case of major projects, but is also possible in individual cases. Basically it’s a matter of treating citizens as equal partners, despite the differing roles of government and citizen. In each of these three components of the interface, it is important that authorities decide to trust the citizen. Trust is a key ingredient of all government interfaces. In the case of personal contacts, the attitude of the official concerned will influence the extent to which it is possible to build a meaningful relationship. Does he approach the citizen with suspicion or communicate with him on a basis of trust? Proper and respectful treatment will also inspire trust in government, whereas its absence will destroy it. Finally, attempts to involve the citizen in decision-making are doomed to failure if government is not prepared to trust the citizen. Criticism from citizens is a form of civic involvement and should therefore be applauded by government. So a basic attitude of trust on the part of government is a precondition firstly for the creation of effective interfaces and secondly for the establishment of a meaningful relationship with the citizen. By dealing with citizens in this way, it will generally be possible to restore humanity to the relationship between government and citizen. And this humanity is essential to trust. Trust in the citizen Personal Respectful Participation Meaningful relationship Trust Confidence Building trust in government | 18 Pagina 17

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